Bullyland 1990's People & Animals of the Prehistoric Times Toy Hang Tags (Blue Border)
Bullyland 1990's People & Animals of the Prehistoric Times Toy Hang Tags (Green Border)
Digitcards 2010 Predators - Return of the Dinosaurs Game Cards (English Edition)
Edito-Service S. A. 1992-1993 Prehistoric Animals Cards (Dutch)
Euroflash Figurine Dinosaurien/Dinosauri Stickers
Gary Gnome Games 2020 StoneFire Game Cards
International Master Publishers 2003 Weird n' Wild Creatures Collector Game Cards
International Master Publishers 2003 Weird n' Wild Creatures Information Cards
Jacky Les Animaux Prehistoriques Lenticular Motion Cards
Kaiyodo 2002 Dinotales Insert Stickers (Series 3)
Kellogg's 2001 Walking with Beasts 3D Collector Cards
Lulu Osallatok Memoria Kartya - Series 1
Monsterwax 2015 Dinosaur Galaxy - Majestic Megafauna
Nacional de Chocolates 2011 Chocolatina Jet El Mundo de los Animales Prehistóricos Stickers
Outset Media Corp. 2005 Professor Noggin's Prehistoric Mammals Game Cards - English Edition
Promotopia 2004 Dinomania Figurine Insert Stickers - Series 1
ReAkku Co. Japanese Dinosaur Playing Cards
Upper Deck 2016 Goodwin Champions - Origin of Species Patch Insert Cards
Weekly Reader Books 1981 Illustrated Wildlife Treasury Cards - Prehistoric Life
Woolworths 2015 Ancient Animals Cards