British Museum (Natural History) 1922-1978 Souvenir Postcards (G Series)
Brooke Bond 1963 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Series No. 5 Cards (Canadian Edition)
Brooke Bond 1963 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Series No. 5 Cards (USA Edition)
Brooke Bond 1963 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Series No. 5 Proof Cards
Brooke Bond 1972 Prehistoric Animals Cards
Charter Tea & Coffee Co. Ltd. 1962 Prehistoric Animals Cards - 1st Series
Comic Images 1993 Lost Worlds by William Stout
Compass Labs 2005 Dinosaurs Fact Pack Cards
Coopers & Co. Stores Ltd. 1962 Prehistoric Animals Cards - First Series of 25
Domke's Prehistorical Zoo Gardens 1960's Souvenir Postcards (1950's & 1963)
EDI Hace Millones Anos Cards
Edito-Service S. A. 1992 French Educational Cards
Edito-Service S. A. 1992-1993 Prehistoric Animals Cards (Dutch)
Erdal-Kwak 1928 Tiere der Perm-und Carbon-Zeit Cards - Series 58 (Issue 3543)
Euroflash Figurine Dinosaurien/Dinosauri Stickers
Euroflash Figurine 1988 Prehistoria Stickers
France Cartes c.2000 Les Dinosaures 7 Families Game Cards
Gelles-Widmer Company 1962 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Goodies Ltd. 1969 Sweet Cigarettes Prehistoric Animals Picture Cards
Harris & Co., Inc. 1974 Prehistoric Animals Stickers
Heron Jadis, les Monstres Cards
International Master Publishers 2003 Weird n' Wild Creatures Collector Game Cards
International Master Publishers 2003 Weird n' Wild Creatures Information Cards
Jacky Les Animaux Prehistoriques Lenticular Motion Cards
Kolibri-GmbH Dieren uit de Hele Wereld Cards
M & B Graphic Products 1962 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Masters Cards 1993 Dinocard Cards
McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1962 Prehistoric Animals I. D. Cards
McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1962 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
MV Editores 1992 El Gran Album de Los Dinosaurios Stickers
Nabisco 1970 Wheat & Rice Honeys Cereal Prehistoric Monster Ad Cards
Nacional de Chocolates 2011 Chocolatina Jet El Mundo de los Animales Prehistóricos Stickers
Nestle 1995 Dinossauros - Surpresa Insert Cards
Nu-Card Sales 1961 Dinosaur Series Trading Cards
Ortiz Dinosaur Stickers
Panini 1992 Prehistoric Animals Stickers
Panini 1992-1993 Dinosaurs Stickers
Prehistoric Gardens, The Souvenir Postcards
Price Stern Sloan 1986 The Dinosaur Action Set Paper Punchouts
Ravensburger 1992 Dinosaurier Memory Cards
Renwal Products Company 1968 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Sinclair Gasoline 1938 Dinosaurs with Other Ancient Reptiles Stamps
Steve Jackson Games Incorporated 1996 Dino Hunt Limited Edition Gold Border Series Cards
Sunblest Tea 1966 Prehistoric Animals Cards - First Series of 25
Weekly Reader Books 1981 Illustrated Wildlife Treasury Cards - Prehistoric Life
Yale Peabody Museum Souvenir Postcards
Unidentified French/Dutch Prehistoric Animal Cards
Unidentified 2010 Pocket Dinosaur Calendars