Major League Baseball Stats |
Batting Stats
Games | At Bats | Hits | Average | Slugging % |
2,422 | 8,856 | 2,749 | 0.310 | 0.398 |
Managing Stats
Games | Wins | Loses | Ties | W/L% |
40 | 10 | 30 | 0 | 0.250 |
Notable Accomplishments (Top 10 Rankings) |
Batting Titles: 8th All-Time (2) - tie |
Luke Appling
(Lucius Benjamin Appling)
"Old Aches and Pains"
Born: April 2, 1907
Died: January 3, 1991 (84 yrs.)
Year of Induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame
Induction Position/Capacity
Seasons | 1st Game | Last Game |
20 | September 10, 1930 | October 1, 1950 |
Positions Played/Held |
Shortstop |
1st Base |
2nd Base |
3rd Base |
Pinch Hitter |
Pinch Runner |
Manager |
Teams as Player |
Chicago White Sox (1930-1943) |
Chicago White Sox (1945-1950) |
Teams as Manager |
Kansas City Athletics (1967) |