Major League Baseball Stats |
Batting Stats
Games | At Bats | Hits | Average | Slugging % |
2,599 | 10,230 | 2,677 | 0.262 | 0.343 |
Notable Accomplishments (Top 10 Rankings) |
Golden Glove Awards: 6th All-Time (9) - tie |
Rookie of the Year (AL) - 1956 |
All-Star Game Appearances: 9th All-Time (13) |
Luis Aparicio (Montiel)
(Luis Ernesto Aparicio (Montiel))
"Little Louie"
Born: April 29, 1934
Current Age: 90 yrs.
Year of Induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame
Induction Position/Capacity
Seasons | 1st Game | Last Game |
18 | April 17, 1956 | September 28, 1973 |
Positions Played/Held |
Shortstop |
Pinch Hitter |
Pinch Runner |
Teams as Player |
Chicago White Sox (1956-1962) |
Baltimore Orioles (1963-1967) |
Chicago White Sox (1968-1970) |
Boston Red Sox (1971-1973) |