(PLEE-see-o-SAWR-us | 'Near Lizard')

Type Species*: dolichodeirus

* Globally extinct life form (†), only the type species is displayed

Illustration of Plesiosaurus
The Prehistoric Gallery of Mineo Shiraishi
Illustration of Plesiosaurus

Plesiosaurus Collectibles Gallery
Qty. Sets
Qty. Items

A. Arnaud 1951 French Prehistoric Animal Skeleton Paper Cards - Series 113
A. Arnaud 1951 French Prehistoric Animal Stickers - Series 85
Abbeon Supply Company 1955 Animals of Yesteryear Metal Figurines - Information Booklet Inserts
Aims Instructional Media Services Prehistoric Animals and Plants - Set B: Mesozoic Era
Album Cultura c.1970 Hace Millones de Anos Stickers
Albumes Espanoles 1969 Vida y Color 2 Stickers
American Greetings Dinosaurs Fact Pack Cards
American Museum of Natural History 1996 Bookmarks
Artiach DinoWar Game Cards
Artiach 2011 Spanish Dinosaurus Cookie Box Cut-out Cards - Series 1
Ashley Kaye 1993 Jurassic Jeopardy - The Game of Stats and Strategy
Barratt & Co. 1994 Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Creatures Candy Sticks Insert Cards
Barsal Animales Prehistóricos Educational Cards - Series 1
Barsal Animales Prehistóricos Educational Cards - Series 2
Bar-Zim Mfg. Co. c.1955 All About Dinosaurs Magic Teacher Cards
Bimbo Museo de los Dinosaurios Stickers
Bimbo 1963 Album Bimbo de Conocimientos Universales Stickers
Bonaparte Cerny Petr Czech Prehistoric Game Cards
Breygent Marketing 2015 Jurassic Domination Sketch Art Booklets
British American Tobacco 1925 Animaux Prehistoriques/Voorhistorishe Dieren Cards
British American Tobacco 1931 Prehistoric Animals Cards
British Museum (Natural History) 1925 Restorations of Extinct Reptiles Postcards
British Museum (Natural History) 1985 Young Explorers Dinosaur Game Prehistoric Trail - Game Chits
Brooke Bond 1987 Unexplained Mysteries of the World Cards
Bruguera 1952 Album de Zoologia Stickers
Cadbury Bros. Ltd. 1933 More British Marvels - Stickers
Caja de Ahorros de Asturias 1954 Álbum de Cultura y de Arte - Series 1 (Animales Prehistoricos)
Caja de Ahorros de Tarrasa Animales Prehistoricos
Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Zaragoza Grandes Reptiles de Otros Tiempos Serie 32 Stickers
California Creations 2001 Z-Cardz Prehistoric Series 1
Card Collectors Society 2000 Edwards, Ringer & Bigg Prehistoric Animals Reprint Cards
Carlit Giganten - Ein Strategiespiel Game Chits
Carrows Restaurants Knott's Berry Farm Kingdom of the Dinosaurs POGS
Cavanders Ltd. 1930 Peeps Into Prehistoric Times - Army Club Cigarettes (Large Photo Series)
Cavanders Ltd. 1930 Peeps Into Prehistoric Times - Army Club Cigarettes (Small Photo Series)
Century Novelty Dinosaur Factoid Cards
Cereal Foods Pty. Ltd. 1960 Vita-Brits Prehistoric Beasts Cards
Changsha Match Company 2000 Chinese Prehistoric Animal Matchbox Labels
Chapman & Hall Ltd. 1857 Waterhouse Hawkins's Diagrams of the Extinct Animals
Chocolat d'Aiguebelle 1960 La Promenade Enchantee Series 2 Stickers
Chocolat Poulain 1934 Paleontologie Poster Stamp Stickers
Chocolates Diaz Animales Prehistoricos
Chocolates Guillen 1930's Historia Natural: Animales Prehistoricos Cards (Series K)
Chocolates Kike 1964 Animales Stickers
Clover Co. Ltd. 1981 Dinosaur World Toy Bi-fold Insert Cards
Cocorico 1954 Les Animaux Prehistoriques Stickers
Collectable Cards Limited 2001 Reichardt Reproduction Playing Cards
Collezioni Lampo 1951 Figurine di Animali Stickers
Collezioni Lampo 1964 Figurine di Animali Stickers
Cottage Cards 1994 The Reign of Pterosaurs! Cards
Creative Child Games 1983 Dinosaur Memory Match Questions & Answer Cards
Creative Child Games 1998 Dinosaur Memory Match Questions & Answer Cards
Cromy Dinosaur in My Pocket Stickers
Ctop French Liquid Sand Art Dinosaur Cards
Daily Telegraph, The Dinosaur Collection - "A Collection to get Your Teeth Into"
Daily Telegraph, The 2011 Dinosaurs Unearthed Puzzle Fact Sheets
DaMert Company 1994 The Dinosaur Mobile Kit Cutouts
Dayton Museum of Natural History 1960's Souvenir Postcards
DeJankins 1998 Deanosaurs Dinosaur Figure Cards - Series F
DeJankins 1998 Deanosaurs Dinosaur Figure Cards - Series G
DeJankins 2000 Deanosaurs Dinosaur Figure Cards - Series K
Demaret Caramels c.1940 Prehistoric Animals Cards - Series of 25
Deux Coqs d'Or 1972 Les Animaux Prehistoriques
Diamantine Tiere Aus Der Urwelt Cards
DinoCardz Company 1991 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Large Cards
DinoCardz Company 1992 DinoCardz Trading Cards (Flat Finish)
DinoCardz Company 1992 DinoCardz Trading Cards (UV Finish)
Discovery Science Foundation c.2008 Wood Prehistoric Animals POGS
Documentary Photo Aids c.1977 Educational Life Evolution Cards
Dover Publications 1998 Learning About Jurassic Dinosaurs Stickers
Dr. Thompson's Tiere Aus Der Urwelt
Dunkin 1988 Dinosaurios Chicle Stickers
Dynamic Marketing 1991 Attack of the Dinosaurs Stickers (Sticker Card Edition)
Dynamic Marketing 1991 Attack of the Dinosaurs Stickers (Sticker Sheet Edition)
Dynamic Marketing 1993 Attack of the Dinosaurs Stickers
Dynamic Marketing 1999 Escape of the Dinosaurs Cards
Echte Wagner Margarine 1928 Prahistorische Wirbeltiere Cards - Series 8
Edis 1998 Viaggio nella Preistoria Stickers
ED-U Cards 1975 Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Educational Insights 1980 The Dinosaur Box Information Cards
Educational Insights 1988 Reading Comprehenion Cards - The World of Prehistoric Animals
Educational Insights 1991 I.Q. Games - Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life Cards
Edwards, Ringer & Bigg 1924 Prehistoric Animals Cards - A Series of 25
Erdal-Kwak 1927 Serienbilder Cards - Series 20 (Issue 3172c)
Erdal-Kwak 1928 Tiere der Jurazeit Cards - Series 46 (Issue 3429)
Escudo de Oro Animales Prehistoricos y Reptiles Info Papers - Series 31
Eucalol 1938 Os Animais Prehistoricos Cards (Series 30) - Version 1
Eucalol c.1938 Os Animais Prehistoricos Cards (Series 30) - Version 2
Euroflash Figurine 1988 Prehistoria Stickers
Evercrisp Mundo Prehistorico Dino-Tazos
Extras 1979 Prehistoric Monsters and the Present
Eyegamer Dinosaur Edition
Fernand Nathan Animaux Prehistoriques Game Cards
FKS 1970's Wonderful World of Animals Stickers
Fosforera Canariense Prehistoric Animal Match Boxes
Fosforera Espanola 1976 Prehistoric Animal Matchbox Covers
FPG Cards 1994 Joe Jusko's Edgar Rice Burroughs Collection #1
FPG Cards 1995 Colossal Cards Series 2
Franco-American 1997 Spaghetti O's Prehistoric Label Stickers
Frank Schaffer Publications, Inc. 1987 Dinosaurs Bulletin Board Cards
Frank Schaffer Publications, Inc. 1989 Dinosaur Memory Match Game Cards
Frank Schaffer Publications, Inc. 1997 Dinosaur Memory Match Game Cards
Games for Your Brain 2003 Dinosaur Cards
Gartmann 1901 Urtiere der Erde (Series 9) - Bold Logo Font
Gelles-Widmer Company 1962 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Giochi Preziosi 2007 Dinofroz World Toy Insert Game Cards
Giromax 2015 3D DinoSaurs Game Cards
Glenn Confections 1984 Wacky Wax Chewing Gum Cards (Green Background - 14204 Zip Code Edition)
Glenn Confections 1984 Wacky Wax Chewing Gum Cards (Green Background - 14207 Zip Code Edition)
Glenn Confections 1985 Wacky Wax Chewing Gum Cards (Blue Background Edition)
GMD Europe 1990 Earthgame Toy Insert Cards
Golden Glow Sales Corp. 1959 Wonders of the Animal Kingdom Stickers
Golden Press 1954 Dinosaurs And Other Animals Of The Past Stamp Book Stamps
Golden Press 1961 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Trading Cards
Golden Press 1965 Dinosaurs - A Picture Book of Science Activities Cut-out Models
Golden Press 1968 The Golden Stamp Book of Animals of the Past Stamps
Golden Press 1987 Australian Dinosaurs and the World (The Mesozoic) Stickers
Goodies Ltd. 1969 Sweet Cigarettes Prehistoric Animals Picture Cards
Great American Puzzle Factory 2000 T-Rex Rules!
Green Board Game Company, The BrainBox: Dinosaurs Game Cards (English)
Happinet 1993 Japanese Dinosaur Cards
Heartime 2000 Fun Dinosaur Facts Card Valentines
Ideal School Supply Company 1987 Dinosaur & Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Ideal School Supply Company 2000 Dinosaur & Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Incredible Game Company, The Dinosaurs - The Mesozoic Era Reprint Cards
Inhabit Toys 2001 Anatomics Flicker Cards (Series 1)
International Master Publishers 2003 Weird n' Wild Creatures Information Cards
Izobrazitelnoye Iskusstvo 1983 Russian 'From the Depths of Time' Cards - Series 2
Jacky Les Animaux Prehistoriques Lenticular Motion Cards
Kabaya 2001 Dinoworld Toy Insert Papers
Kaffee-Rahm (Kaffeerahm) Swiss Creamer Tops - Dinosaur Artist Images
Kaiyodo 2002 Dinotales Insert Stickers (Series 3)
Kellogg's 1985 Prehistoric Monsters and The Present Flikka-Pics Cards
Kenner 1992 Jurassic Park Collector Cards - Series 1 (German)
Kenner 1992 Jurassic Park Collector Cards - Series 1 (Japanese)
Kenner 1993 Jurassic Park Collector Cards - Series 1 (English - USA)
Kitchen Sink Press 1992 Xenozoic Tales Postcards
Kitchen Sink Press 1993 Dinosaurs Rule the Infant Earth! Cards
Kosmos Verlog 2005 Was Ist Was Dinosaurier Quiz-Spiel Cards
Koumeisha Japanese Monsters & Dinosaurs Card Game
Kumon Publishing Co. 1996 KYOZAI-LOTE Teaching Aid Flash Cards
LavAzza 1949 Gli Animali Antidiluviani Cards (Series 6)
Learning Horizons Dinosaurs Fact Pack Cards
Liebig 1921 The Pre-historic Animals World Cards (Series f1122/s1123, Italian)
M & B Graphic Products 1962 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Marca 2012 Dinosaurios! Stickers
Mattel, Inc. 1998 Jurassic World Dino Rivals Toy Insert Cards
McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1962 Prehistoric Animals I. D. Cards
McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1962 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Megaprint Ltd. 1980's Lucky Elephant Prehistoric Animal Sticker Discs
Meiji Dinosaur Cards
Meiji c.1962 Dinosaur Cards
Meurisse Monstres Disparus Stickers - Series 102
Milk Covers Mainland 1993 Mesozoic Masher - Dinosaur Series 1 POPGS
Milk Marketing Board 1963 Prehistoric Animals Cards
Milwaukee Public Museum 1986 The Third Planet Visitor Cards
Mintis 1987 Lithuanian Prehistoric Animal Calendar Cards
Mobil Oil 1993 Jurassic Park Stickers
Monina y Yoyi 1971 Animales Prehistoricos Toy Info Paper Foldouts
Monsterwax 2015 Dinosaur Galaxy - Original Art Cards
Moravec Art 1995 Prehistoric World Note Cards
Mother's Cookies Dinosaur Grrrahams Hologram Stickers
Nabisco 1957 Dinosaur Slide Guide Cards
Nabisco 1970 Wheat & Rice Honeys Cereal Prehistoric Monster Ad Cards
Nacional de Chocolates 2011 Chocolatina Jet El Mundo de los Animales Prehistóricos Stickers
National Audubon Society 1959 Nature Program - Prehistoric Life Stickers
National Audubon Society 1965 Nature Program - Prehistoric Life Stickers
National Science Museum (Tokyo) 1981-1982 Dinosaurs (Paleozoic) Postcards
Nestle Les Merveilles du Monde Vol 5 (Series 131) Stickers
Nestle 1950 Wonders of the World - Series 56 (Animaux Antediluviens)
Nestle 1955-1958 Las Maravillas del Universo - Animales Antidiluvianos (Series 59) Stickers
Novo Bonbon Plastic Prehistoric Animal Insert Cards
Nu-Card Sales 1961 Dinosaur Series Trading Cards
Octagon Studio 2015-2016 Dinosaur 4D+ Phone App Cards
OGIZ-IZOGIZ 1931 Extinct Animals and Plants Cards
Osato 1973 Dinosaurs & Monster Cards
Ovaltine 1993 Ovaltinies Sweepstakes Stickers
Palmin c.1932 Uuch das Kleid der Erde unterlag der Mode - Series 153
Panini 1992 Prehistoric Animals Stickers
Panini 1992-1993 Dinosaurs Stickers
Panini 2002 Stick & Stack El Mundo de los Dinosaurios Stickers
Panini 2020 Jurassic World: Ultimate Sticker Album Cards
Paul Wesenberg & Sohn Tiere aus der Urwelt Cards - Series 78
PB & Jane Dinosaur Egg Dig Information Cards
Pedro Soler Animales Prehistoricos
Pegasus Press 1996 Dino Jagd Game Cards
Pepsi Mundo Prehistorico Dino Tazos
Petit-Exquis French Hologram Sticker Cards
Philograph Publications Ltd. 1977 Prehistoric Creatures Perm Plastic Templates Information Cards
Phoskitos 1993 Saurio Park Stickers (Numbered)
PlayEd Games, Inc. 1987 Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Playmore Inc. 1998 Dynamic Dinosaurs Match Game Cut-out Cards
Poptacular 2023 Smart Cards: Dinosaurs Game Cards
Price Stern Sloan 1987 The Undersea Dinosaur Action Set Paper Punchouts
Produzioni Editoriali Aprile S.p.A. 1977 Animali del Passato Stickers
Promotopia 2004 Dinomania Figurine Insert Stickers - Series 1
Quaker Oats Ltd. 1984 Monsters of the Deep Cards
Quelle 1994 Herrscher der Urzeit Stickers
Random House c.1955 All About Dinosaurs Magic Teacher Cards
Ravensburger 1992 Dinosaurier Memory Cards
Reichardt 1902 Tiere der Urwelt Lithographs - Series 1 (w. "Series 1" Indication, Full Back Text)
Reichardt 1902 Tiere der Urwelt Lithographs - Series 1 (w/o "Series 1" Indication, Full Back Text)
Reichardt 1902 Tiere der Urwelt Lithographs - Series 1 (w/o "Series 1" Indication, No Back Text)
Reichardt 1902 Tiere der Urwelt Lithographs - Series 2
Reichardt 1907 Tiere der Urwelt Lithographs - Series 1a
Renwal Products Company 1968 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Rich's Zoologiske Sjaeldenheder Cards
Rocky Mountain News 1934 Dinny's Family Album - Monsters of the Prehistoric Past Paper Cards
Rover Comics 1949 Comic Book Cut-out Cards (The Giant Animals of a Million Years Ago)
Royal Mail (United Kingdom) 2024 The Age of the Dinosaurs Stamps Postcards
Royal Mint, The (United Kingdom) 2020 Tales of the Earth (The Dinosauria Collection) Coin Cards
Royal Tyrrell Museum 1997 Signature Series Cards 2010 Damsels & Dinosaurs Sketch Cards
Safari Ltd. Dinosaur Quiz Cards (English Edition)
Safari Ltd. Dinosaur Quiz Cards (Spanish Edition)
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dino Lotto Cards & Game Panels
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dinosaur Pick Up Pairs Cards
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animal Rummy Cards (Printed in West Germany)
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Rummy Cards - (English Edition)
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Rummy Cards - (Spanish Edition)
Safari Ltd. 2000 Survive! Extinction Cards
Sarpe 1988 Los Animales Prehistoricos Stickers
Scanlens Dinosaur Hologram Cards
Schleich Dinosaur Cards
Schmid, F.X. 1992 Dinosaurs Quartet
Schmid, F.X. 1993 Dinoland Dino Quiz Cards
Shawna Kirsch Illustration 2018 Relic Cards
Shogakukan 1979 Dinosaurs Korotan Cards
Simon & Schuster 1954 The Golden Play Book of Animals of the Past Stamps
Sinclair Gasoline 1935 Dinosaurs with Contemporary Reptiles Stamps
Sirope de Deschiens Les Animaux de la Prehistoire Cards - 'Anemie' Version
Sirope de Deschiens 1920 Les Animaux de la Prehistoire Cards - Blue Print Version
Sirope de Deschiens 1920 Les Animaux de la Prehistoire Cards - Brown Print Version
South Australian Museum Souvenir Postcards
SRG (Sell-Right Giftwares Corp.) 1947 Information Booklets
SRG (Sell-Right Giftwares Corp.) 1947 Information Cards
Steve Jackson Games 1996 Dino Hunt Boxed Series Cards
Steve Jackson Games 1996 Dino Hunt Limited Edition Gold Border Series Cards
Suchard Chocolate 1899 Prehistoric Animals and Their Modern Equivalents - Series 80
Susaeta 1993 Dinosaurios Acuaticos Paper Cut-outs
TCM Associates Inc. Heroes of Extinction POGS
Tiny Learners Meet the Dinosaurs Trivia Cards
Tobler Swiss Milk Chocolate 1922 Plants and Animals of the Primitive World Stickers - Series 43
Top Trumps 1979 Prehistoric Monsters Game Cards (Dubreq Limited)
Top Trumps 1979 Prehistoric Monsters Game Cards (Waddingtons Games)
Topps 1976 Dino-Mite Facts - Leapin' Lizards Prehistoric Candy Wrappers
Topps 1988 Dinosaurs Attack Stickers
Topps 2024 Allen & Ginter DNA Mini Relic Cards
Tsukuda 1990 Dinosaur Game Cards
Unlimited Child 1973 Perkins’ Pre-mals Color & Punchout Figure Cards
Upper Deck 2008-2009 Champ's Hockey Natural History Collection Insert Cards
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - 3D Lenticular Cards
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Age of the Dinosaur Patch Cards
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Artist (Benito Gallego) Autographed Insert Cards
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Canvas Mini Cards
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Canvas Mini Cards Extinction Red Parallel Set
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Extinction Red Parallel Set
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Sketch Cards (Double Card Panel)
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Sketch Cards (Single Card Panel)
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs Cards
Upper Deck 2015 Goodwin Champions - Origin of Species Patch Insert Cards
US Playing Card Company, The 1991 Dinosaur Playing Cards (Old Maid Game)
UVK Dinosaurios POGS
Verlag für Lehrmittel Pößneck GmbH 1975 Tiere der Urzeit Cards
Vibe-Hastrup's TiT Fortidsdyr Cards
Weekly Reader Books 1981 Illustrated Wildlife Treasury Cards - Prehistoric Life
Western Publishing Company, Inc. 1971 Animales del Pasado Stickers
Whitehall Games, Inc. 1987 Dino 300 Card Game
William Scheele 1988 Prehistoric Animals Cards - Series 2
Wonder Co., Ltd. c.1983 Wonder Sticker Flicker (3D) Stick-Ons
Workman Publishing 2004 Fandex Family Field Guides - Dinosaurs
World's Candies 1989 Dinosaur Bones Candy Boxes (Large Edition)
York Peanut Butter and Salted Nuts 1962 Dinosaurs and Other Animals of the Past Cards
Zuid-Nederlandse Uitgeverij 1958 Dieren Uit Het Verre Verleden Stickers
Unidentified Antediluvian Animals Cinderella Stickers - Series 116
Unidentified Chinese Dinosaur Playing Cards
Unidentified Dinosaur Card Game Cards
Unidentified Dinosaur Cards
Unidentified Dinosaur Name POGS
Unidentified Japanese Educational Cards
Unidentified Nature - Fishes, Reptiles, & Amphibians Cards
Unidentified 1960's Prehistoric Animal Matchbox Labels
Unidentified 1990's Glitter POGS